You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.1. File - Inventory > File - Inventory - Kit > Copying a Kit's Component List
Copying a Kit's Component List

Use this option to copy the component list from one kit to another. The second kit will have its original component list deleted before the copy is performed.

  1. Display the Item Update screen - Kit tab for the kit item whose components you want to copy.

Refer to "File - Inventory - Kit".

  1. Select the Copy button.

Micronet displays the Copy Kit to New Item screen.

  1. Enter the Item Number that you want to copy the component list to. You can also press Tab or Enter to select an item.

The item you are copying to must be a manufactured or sub-assembled item.

Micronet displays the item Description.

  1. Select Accept.

When you next open the item you have copied the component list to, it will have the same components as the currently displayed kit item.